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Patchwork Quilt

Cut-Out in-page of various books, inkjet prints,  gelatine and white glue on wooden panels

22.7 x 30.3 cm(50 panels)



Details of Patchwork Quilt

Cut-Out in-page of various books, inkjet prints,  gelatine and white glue on wooden panels

Having grown up in a multilingual society, I was often lost within an environment of blended cultures, especially under post-colonial Malaysia. There are at least three languages which I derived knowledge from to enrich my world view, yet it constantly interrupts my linear thinking process, causing my character to form as a jack of all trades but master of none. This is such a distinguishing characteristic against a sea of people living in a single nation state. This collage work created to express the fragmented Chinese diaspora is unlike my previous realistic renderings. Over the years, I have accumulated social and cultural related books in various languages. The cover pages of these books were scanned and printed out, while certain cut-outs of pages in between were combined to produce a fifty panel collage. The panel arrangement is reminiscent of my mother's favourite traditional craft, the Patchwork Quilt. Discarded fabric scraps are collected and sewn together to protect, giving a child warmth the only way a mother could manage under difficult living conditions. This act is a demonstration of life’s essence and aesthetic. It embodies the early living circumstance of the Chinese diaspora and addresses cultural grafting and its role in nurturing creativity and newness. The fabric pattern serves as a metaphor not only to the chaos of cultural identity, it records the historic experience and strengthens my belief in the one important element of creativity and it’s birth. I focused on books that constantly invigorate my thinking process, which include profound theory books that have been in my bookshelf for years. The list of books according to category, include: Dictionaries - 漢語基本知識,Kamus Simpulan Bahasa dan Peribahasa,北京方言詞典,新加坡地方詞典,實用解字組詞詞典, 社會學簡明辭典, Literature - 唐詩三百首,先秦諸子思想概要,孫子集校 , Malay Classical literature,朱光潛談文學,Sejarah Melayu,南洋人民共和國,Return to Malaya,蕉風 New Malaysian Essays I & II,趨異與共生,告别的年代 History and Local Research - A History of Malaysia,A History of Chinese in Malaysia:Power,Community and Religion,東南亞大企業家,The Chinese Dilemma,The Disappearing Kuala Lumpur,馬來西亞華人的貢獻,新馬印華人:族群關係與國家建構,我們的時代精神, Place,The Other Malaysia,臺灣一家親,Bangsar Melayu, The Melayan Communist Party as recorded in the comintern files, Collected Essays on Malaysian Chinese Folk Culture,大路後的某囡仔 Postcolonial Studies - The Postcolonial Theory Traditionalism and the Ascendancy of the Malay Ruling Class in Colonial Malaya,What your teacher didn’t tell you, Culture and Imperialism, kerajaan: Budaya politik melayu di ambang pemerintahan kolonial,跨國資本時代的後殖民批評 Art - A Dictionary of Art Terms and Techniques Narratives in Malaysian Art I & II,Southeast Asia,藝術走廊,中國年畫介紹, Japanese Woodblock Prints Diaspora Studies - Jangan Menyebut Diriku Pengantin Dari Warga Asing,Politics of the Temporary,跨界流離:全球化下的移民与移工,我是誰, Diapora and Hybridity,離散與家國想像,金山、南洋與離散中國 Identity and Community Studies - 黏合與張力,移居、國家與族群, 漂泊与根植,513 解密文件,馬來西亞的種族主義和種族歧視,Global Cinderellas,Class and state formation among Chinese in Malaysia, Malaysians and their identities,一個新村一種華人,馬來西亞華人:身分認同、文化與族群政治,伊斯蘭、馬來人、共產黨。 It is a constant internal conflict that such a book list would excite yet burden me. It is in this essence that I wanted to represent the cultural hybrid - as a divided, fragmented and flat character - by extension through imagery into a cultural comparison chart. A metaphor of hope for the evolution attained through the process of cultural grafting.


Who are you? Where are you from? 

Oil on Wooden Panel

270.9 x 44.2 cm




Oil on Wooden Panel

30.1 x 44.2 cm



Oil on Wooden Panel

30.1 x 44.2 cm



Oil on Wooden Panel

30.1 x 44.2 cm




Oil on Wooden Panel

30.1 x 44.2 cm


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